Fueling bold approaches

Flu Lab's mission is to eliminate the threat of influenza, a highly contagious virus that causes annual epidemics of disease and poses an ever-present risk of a catastrophic pandemic. To achieve this, Flu Lab finds and supports efforts that approach persistent problems in new and dynamic ways, with actionable results.

Through grantmaking, investing, and partner collaborations, Flu Lab seeks to help grantees and early-stage companies develop innovations that will help accelerate the availability of new solutions for global influenza challenges.

Awarded Grants and Investments

We are pleased to showcase the breadth of our grant-making and investments. For news and updates about some of these projects, visit News + More.


The tenOever Lab

Advancing a pathway to influenza-resistant poultry to minimize disease transmission between animals and humans.

$2,443,750 / February 2025

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ENA Respiratory

Developing INNA-051, a simple-to-administer, virus-agnostic, seasonally delivered product designed to minimize the impact of viral respiratory infections.

$5,000,000 / Series B / February 2025


FLUdetect Clinical Study

Capturing acute viral infection dynamics over time to identify immune correlates of reduced shedding and transmission potential.

$1,285,670 / January 2025


Center for Transmission of Airborne Pathogens

Leveraging multidisciplinary approaches to investigate the transmission of respiratory pathogens and strategies to limit their spread.

$14,000,000 / December 2024

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Taza Aya

Optimizing a non-thermal, plasma-powered prototype device for maskless personal protection from airborne pathogens.

$200,000 / December 2024


Center for the Advancement of Diagnostics for a Just Society

Accelerating the development, translation, and implementation of new technologies for disease diagnosis while ensuring health equity and justice.

$1,000,000 / December 2024

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Task Force for Global Health

Facilitating collaborative approaches among influenza research funders to maximize impactful and efficient investments.

$100,000 / November 2024


Akita Biosciences

Conducting clinical studies of a drug-free nasal spray designed to block and neutralize airborne influenza virus and other respiratory pathogens.

$384,000 / November 2024

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University of Oxford

Developing a safe, effective, and broadly protective influenza vaccine to prevent infection with, or transmission of, influenza.

£2,300,738 / June 2024


Icahn School of Medicine

Leading virus species identification and analysis for the New York City Virus Hunters community science program.

$1,073,042 / May 2024


St. Jude Children's Research Hospital

Incorporating genotype accessibility into influenza virus evolutionary predictions.

$1,370,388 / May 2024


Center for Green Schools

Equipping schools and education stakeholders with information and guidance to improve ventilation and air filtration in classrooms.

$955,710 / May 2024, October 2021, August 2021

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Advancing the development of Respiratory Scout, a low-cost molecular test to diagnose influenza and other respiratory virus infections.

$161,000 / March 2024


University of Michigan

Establishing FluGuardians, a new birth cohort study to gain a deeper understanding of the development of influenza immunity.

$6,663,637 / March 2024

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Center for Radiological Research

  • Conducting far-UVC light ocular and stratum corneum safety studies in diverse human populations.

  • $1,662,490 / March 2024

Vivaldi Biosciences press release

Vivaldi Biosciences

Evaluating the immunogenicity and protection of an intranasal universal influenza vaccine candidate against wild-type transmission in ferrets.

$406,000 / December 2023


Washington University in St. Louis

Creating a handheld, rapid result, breath-based diagnostic for the detection of multiple respiratory pathogens.

$3,595,280 / November 2023


Panoplia Labs

Developing inhalable, broad-spectrum antivirals that provide extended prophylaxis against infectious diseases.

$159,000 / October 2023



Creating the first universal testing platform to provide fast, accurate, digital imaging-based identification for infectious disease pathogens.

£700,00 PreSeed / October 2023


Fishell Institute for Biomedical Devices

  • Adapting graphene-based biosensors for the selective detection of influenza.

  • $1,348,454 / June 2023


Emory University

Establishing a reproducible, experimental human infection model of influenza virus transmission and evaluating interventions.

$3,479,305 / March 2023


University of Oxford

Evaluating treatments for severe and complicated influenza infections in hospitalized patients with RECOVERY FLU, a cost-efficient, adaptive platform clinical trial.

£11,416,263 / December 2022


University of Auckland

Leading a multidisciplinary and collaborative effort to observe and examine the reintroduction and transmission of influenza in New Zealand and identify novel immunological markers of severe influenza disease.

11,340,572 NZD / December 2022, May 2021



Developing fast, accurate, and affordable molecular tests for routine use by everyone, including consumers in the home, employees in the workplace, and students at school.

Series C / November 2022, Series B / April 2021

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Aarhus University Hospital

Leading INVITED, a multicenter, prospective randomized clinical trial among Type 1 diabetes patients to improve our understanding of the protective effect of influenza vaccination.

2,768,181 DKK / September 2024, October 2022

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Reducing barriers to better treatments by designing and delivering high-quality, large-scale and global clinical trials at a fraction of current industry cost.

£5,000,000 / October 2022


NYC Virus Hunters

Creating an immersive approach to science education to unlock the potential of the next generation of influenza researchers in New York City.

$1,146,303 / July 2022, April 2020

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Behavior Change for Good Initiative

Leveraging the expertise of over 100 behavioral scientists to identify effective, scalable interventions for promoting immunizations.

$2,435,763 / March 2022, June 2021, October 2020


Virgina Tech

Leading the Multidisciplinary InvesTIGAtion of Transmission to Ease inFLUenza (MITIGATE FLU) study to transform our understanding of influenza virus transmission.

$8,792,291 / February 2022


Western Cooling Efficiency Center

Optimizing ventilation system operations to minimize airborne infectious disease transmission, pollutant exposure, and energy consumption.

$327,539 / November 2021


Center for Open Science

Leading multiple initiatives to promote open science and expand the publication of null and negative influenza research findings and replication studies.

$18,398,983 / August 2021, April 2020, August 2019


Sentinel Project

Developing ultra-sensitive genomic and CRISPR technologies to detect pathogens in multiple, connected settings to prevent pandemics before they start.

$5,000,000 / February 2021

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Sentinel Project

Combining diagnostic technology and information-sharing platforms to connect early warning data to the public health community.

$11,250,000 / December 2020

Funding Opportunities

Flu Lab promotes innovation to speed the advancement of technologies and approaches for influenza, and we are open to receiving unsolicited pre-proposals at info@theflulab.org.